#Get Excel to tell you the bucket boundaries (e.g. There are 4 bins below the middle bin and 4 bins above the middle bin.Answer the question, “How many bins do you want below the mid-point?” With our example of 9 bins:.It is easiest to use an odd number of bins.) This walk-through will assume you want 9 bins.Statistics people call these buckets/chunks “bins”.I’m going to assume that you put this data into column A, beginning with row 2 (with a title in A1). You go get the data you want to chart, put it in a column, and come back to these instructions when you’re ready to proceed. #Get a column in Excel with your 200 numbers Turn the distribution //numbers// into a distribution chart (histogram).Get Excel to give you the frequency distribution //as numbers//.Values 1-14 go into bucket 1, values 15-29 go in bucket 2, etc.) Get Excel to tell you the bucket boundaries (e.g.Get a column in Excel with your 200 numbers.Your data actually fits a bell curve, where there are a few items in the lowest bucket, a few items in the largest bucket, and lots of items in the middle buckets.You want to see those values in a small number of buckets (e.g.You’ve got a list of hundreds of values (e.g.